Making the world’s most loved products universally accessible.
To be world leaders in product innovation and market penetration.
Brand Statements
Service the world unselfishly and profit.
To develop and distribute brands that people love.
Value Prop Loglines
- We’re dedicated to investing in category-disruptive consumer brands using innovative technology and best practices.
- We aim to empower our portfolio companies to transform the industry and achieve their full potential.
- Boosting the Flight of Consumer Brands with a Digital Mindset for Better eCommerce
- Holistically managing and developing brands eCommerce activities, product innovations, and brand marketing to reach and retain new consumer segments.
A study from the University of Winnipeg found that up to 90% of people’s assessment of products or services is based on colours alone. The power of colour to impact our moods, feelings, and attitudes makes it an important factor in portraying our brand values.
Typographic hierarchy is another format for determining visual hierarchy. This form of hierarchy uses typography to arrange a layout so that the most important words are displayed with the most impact, and so that users can scan text for key information. Typographic hierarchy creates a contrast between elements in the layout. There are a variety of ways you can create order in a layout, a sense of typographic hierarchy, including techniques used by UniSky.